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Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

April 2, 2012

Conference was amazing! -- 4/2/2012

I'm so glad that you were able to make it to conference. I was looking and looking for you, but I didn't see you. I was a little sad, but it was nice to know that you were somewhere in that huge room.

Conference was such an amazing experience! That conference center looks so much bigger from the other side. I was in shock. Elder Nelson came up to us before the meeting started and thanked us for being there. It was so great to be so close to true prophets of the Lord. Hearing the words of God through His chosen leaders. What a miracle it is! And to sing my favorite hymn, Lead Kindly Light... I couldn't ask for anything better than that. I just love that hymn! It really was an amazing experience. Once in a lifetime. It makes me think of when I was impatiently waiting to get to the MTC. I should have trusted that God had a reason for asking me to wait a bit longer. He knew I would have this opportunity to sing in conference, something that I have always wanted to do. I love God! If singing in the choir wasn't enough, the messages were meant for me and for the people I know I will be meeting in a week. I took so many notes, and I learned so much. I can hardly wait to bring people to hear the words of the prophets for next conference.

Oh... Sidenote. I think I was paid one more time from Chrysalis after I left. Would you check my account and make sure that my tithing gets paid for that last check? Thanks!!

We got our travel plans last Friday. It was really exciting, but really nerve-wracking. I'm actually leaving. The MTC has just felt like school. It's been difficult, but nothing compared to what happens in the mission field. It's just a weird realization that I will be in New York in 8 days.... weird. weird. :) I am so excited!

We fly out on 04/10 at 7:05am, we have a lay over in Detroit between 12:45-2:15, and we will get to New York at about 4:00pm. I can call immediate family members, so I need the phone numbers of Daddy, Heidi, Kristi, Katie, and Nikki, unless she will already be with you. So, I can call whenever is best for you. Just let me know. :) Thanks for the calling card! Thanks for the cute skirt too. I absolutely love it. :)

This week our tri-companionship has been chosen to help teach the new missionaries. It's really intimidating. I remember when we came in and I was saying, "Wow... those missionaries are really good teachers." Now it's my turn. It's funny, because I don't consider myself a good teacher. And we will be teaching in English, which we haven't done for a few weeks now. It'll be a fun experience.

I loved Elder Neil L. Andersen's talk this conference. I thought of 1 Nephi 8, or maybe he mentioned it in his talk, where the people that partook of the fruit and then were ashamed after the notice the people mocking them.... Are we found in that group? Are we saying, "Do others think I am Christian?" or are we saying, "Does Jesus Christ think that I am Christian?" I know that is something I need to work on. I need to show my devotion to Jesus Christ more and prove to Him that I am a Christian by following His example. I love the Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that He is the only way and the only light to be found in this world. Let's follow Him!


Hermana Kindlespire

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