Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

April 12, 2012

4/11/12 -- First Area...drum roll....

Two emails in one week and two phone calls too. What a treat!? It was so good to talk to you! A bit surreal. I've been inside for two months, so I've lost half of my social skills.
I've decided that planes make me really sick. Next time I travel, I am definitely going to be bringing Dramamine. But I have arrived safely in New York with no permanent damage ;) (No damage at all sorry, that was a bad joke).
So, the only glance of New York City that I have had was of the skyline when landing in Westchester County. I haven't been in the Big Apple yet, but I should get that chance within the next month or so.
I'm trying to add as many details as I can... I hope you approve :)

After landing, the Mission President and his APs were waiting for us and we immediately headed for the mission home. President Smith is so kind and caring, and so is his wife! They are incredible. I just know that these next three months with them are going to be memorable. At the mission home, we introduced ourselves a little. There were 14 missionaries that went to NYCN this transfer. 4 sisters, and 10 elders. We ate an incredible meal and yummy cake that tasted a lot like Aunt Shanna's raspberry/pretzel stuff. It was so good!
We continued to talk about rules and things that night and went to bed at 8:30pm... which is 6:30pm MST and I was still exhausted. We woke up at 6:30am... which is really 4:30am MST, and again, I was still exhausted. But I think I will adjust soon enough to the time change. We had fresh, warm bagels... So good. The Mission President spoiled us. After breakfast we had a few training meetings from President Smith, and he gave us our first area.

I am serving in......
Northern Manhattan. Inwood, to be exact. It is the Dominican Republic. I am in the minority. I've only been here a few hours, but I have only seen about 8 Caucasians. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to understand their culture and their language too. Their Spanish is different than what I learned in the MTC, but I'll be able to understand it soon.
My companion is Sister Sanders. She is from Arizona and has graduated with a degree in Special Education. She is so great! I really think that we will be able to accomplish a lot here. And guess who her previous companion was... Sister Major! Sister Sanders likes Pleasant Grove too. :)

Tonight, we have a dinner appointment with some members. I am so excited to have some authentic Dominican food, and to speak in Spanish and hopefully receive some referrals.

I love this gospel! It is true!


Hermana Kindlespire

PS. Here are a few pictures for you, and a little bit of an explanation:
Hermana Major, Hermana Kindlespire, and Hermana Sanders at our transfer meeting.
The final picture of my MTC District including our teachers, Hno B and Hna Gywnn.
Me changing my watch to New York time.
I barely made the 50 lb limit, packing to leave the MTC. I was really impressed with myself and wanted to share my accomplishment :)
Hermana Rogers, Hermana Noble, and Hermana Kindlespire at our last temple trip.

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