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Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

June 12, 2013

Right in front of her. 6.12.13

We had a wonderful week! So excited for my Birthday because... I'm going to see Newsies on Broadway! Pretty sweet, right? I'm really excited.  (note: The missionaries in this mission get to see one Broadway show during their time there...usually near the end of their missions. Fun that Lindsay gets to go on her birthday which is also P-day.)

We are staying super busy in Connecticut. The members have been getting really involved in the missionary work, which has been so awesome! We have received 8 referrals in the last 10 days. Yeah... It's been wonderful!

We are working with E**** (17 years old). She was baptized with her extended family in Peru, but then came here and her parents are not members. The elders have been teaching the mom, but she hasn't been listening very well. We keep encouraging and teaching her though. We had a lesson with her daughter about the Atonement. And she didn't even know what it was! She's been a member for 5 years or so. We just talked about the Atonement for the longest time. It was wonderful. I really realized the importance of family home evening and family scripture study in understanding the doctrine especially for kids and youth. 

We taught M****. She is a less-active member that doesn't believe in the Book of Mormon. We go and read the Bible with her, and share scriptures from the Book of Mormon too so that she can see that they are both the word of God. She is desperately looking for truth and peace, but hasn't been able to find it, because she doesn't know where to look. We hope that she will look, because it is right in front of her. :)

We had a Mission Leadership Conference again. All the zone leaders and sister training leaders get together with the President and his assistants, and we talk about the needs of the missionaries. It's so inspiring! I sure do love President and Sister Morgan!

We taught A**** and A*****. They are D******' grandchildren who have been coming to church for about a month. They are wonderful. We had a great lesson with them, and we hope that we can continue to have inspired lessons. 

We are teaching R****l. He works on Sunday (Darn work!) so he can't make it to church yet, but he really wants to come. We are hoping he can get the day off this Sunday. He has definitely been prepared by the Lord. 

D****** came to visit an old friend  with us. This appointment was so sad! We chit-chatted for a second, and when we said that we would like to read a scripture and prayer, M****** was disgusted and didn't want to. But D****** called her out! Told her that we need to center our lives in the things of God or our lives are centered in the things of Satan. Super strong. I was so glad she was there, because that coming from a friend is way better than it coming from a person you've only met two times. :) Members are so important in missionary work!!

We had a wonderful district meeting on Monday and talked about Luke 5:1-11. I highly recommend it. I've learned so much from that little story!

We met a less-active that we have been trying to meet since we got here! X***** was outside her house playing with her children when we stopped by. MIRACLE! She couldn't say no! :) It was wonderful to just talk to her and get to know her. She has left the church because the little Spanish branch is struggling. She is now attending the Catholic church. It's an interesting situation to be in. Not sure what she needs, but the Lord knows. We are excited to meet with her again next week!

Hermana Q**** is an amazing member of the ward that always feels like she doesn't do enough. (You know the type!) She has to work on Sundays, and can only make it to sacrament meeting, so she doesn't have a calling. But she absolutely does her best and is always looking out for the women that she visit teaches. She serves to the best of her abilities. We had a wonderful lesson with her about faith. We can do anything, with the help of God. I love Him!

We have had a wonderful week. I hope and pray that we can help all the people that we work with move towards conversion!

Love you all so much!


Hermana Kindlespire

The Lord will provide 6.5.2013


You are not older than dirt... Dirt is very very old. :) I heard that Nikki and Adam decorated the house too. That's so cool.  I'm excited to meet him. He better be awesome, because Nikki is awesome.

We went to the Yankees game yesterday, and that's why we are emailing today. It was awesome... we won. We got to see the majority of the mission too. Almost everybody went, including President Morgan. It was so much fun.

I'm so happy for Zach! The first weekend is expecially hard, so send him lots of dear elders! Also, what's his email??

We had a wonderful week.... We found two new investigators that we really interested and ready.

P***** is 18 years old and a best friend to a youth in the church. She has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and is excited to start coming to church. I think she already knows that it is true.

R****** is Brazilian and friends with a member as well (Members are the best missionaries). She has wanted to talk to the missionaries for years. She's Catholic, but she is ready and willing to learn. We are teaching her again tonight and really looking forward to it. She is very caring and giving. Her son is nine and also really interested in learning more. 

We are also looking into teaching two of D******' grandchildren who have been coming to church for a few weeks. Their mom is a less-active member, and these girls love coming to church. But the mom is super interested in them progressing in the church.

We were on our way to look up a referral that we received this week, but they had  a code on their door and we couldn't get in. Nonetheless, we knew that the Lord would provide. As we pulled into the complex, we noticed a homebound member sitting outside. We went and taught her a nice little lesson, and asked her if she knew how we could get in to visit this referral, and just like that she gave us the code. 

The Lord always tests our faith, and then He will always prove it.  Everytime that our faith is tested, we are really saddened and feel smaller than the dust, but the Lord always builds us back up again. Nothing is impossible with the Lord. He can do everything. 

I love this gospel! I'm so grateful for living prophets and for direct guidance from the Spirit. I'm grateful that the Lord trusts us with His children and His church. I'm grateful for His mercy. And I'm grateful for my family!


Hermana Kindlespire

Memorial Day ... 5.29.2013

We had transfers today, but we didn't have any changes at all. Sister Wankier and I are still here in Danbury. Just one more after this, and I think I will be staying here. But who knows??

We had a wonderful week. We worked so hard, and I am sooo exhausted. :)  It's been raining almost all week, but Memorial Day was nice and bright. Tender mercy. 

We got in a car accident last Thursday!! It was so lame! It had been raining all day, and all the sudden it got really bad. We decided it wasn't safe to drive, and as we were pulling off into a parking lot to wait it out, we got in a car accident. :( Nobody was hurt, except for the car. We are going to need a new bumper. 

A less active this week set up an appointment with us to come a visit on Tuesday morning. When we arrived, she had her Jehovah's Witness friend there sharing scriptures from the Bible.... That was interesting. :) She talked most of the time, but we listened nicely and bore our testimony when the Spirit prompted. At the end, we just invited everybody to pray. It was such a cool opportunity. I know that if M******* prays, she will find the truth again. If she is truly seeking it... she will find it. I love that we can have faith in that promise. Our message is true that anyone seeking the Lord, will be able to say that it is true. 

Our investigator B***** is having a hard time with the law of chastity... So many hard times with the law of chastity. But she wants to be baptized, so she really only has one choice... The missionaries have been teaching her for a long time, and she has just never been committed. Now she is committed... We are meeting with her tonight. 

We went on a split with the Sisters in Newburgh. Apparently, Newburgh City is super super sketchy. But don't worry, we were outside of the city. It was a lot of fun! Those sisters are doing great! We got two more sisters there for next cycle. I'm excited to go on splits with them too. 

Also... several members think that we have the priesthood. Haha. They've never had sister missionaries before, so they don't know. Kinda funny. :)

We had a wonderful week. It's been full of miracles and blessings. We are seeing changes... There very small changes, but I know they are being prepared for bigger covenants. 


Hermana Kindlespire

"Who is winning today?" 5.22.2013

We had a wonderful week! Sounds like it was a lot similar to Katie's week too. It was a struggle. Our appointments canceled one after the other. On Thursday, everything fell through and we looked up person after person, tracted, contacted, and nothing. As we made our way to eat that night, we ran into a member of the church. She was so excited to see sisters in Danbury. She bought our food, and just made us feel loved. It was so sweet. I know that she was there to help us remember that we are loved and that we are doing our best. I'm so grateful to her!
We went to Monticello last weekend and did a split with Sister Barlow and Sister Richardson. We saw miracles there too.... It's a different world out in Monticello... very very different.
We met a young single mother of two that had all sorts of trials laid on her. She was a gang leader and an athiest years ago, but completely change because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was an honor to be there. I'm sad it was just for one day. The impact that woman made on my mission, is unexplicable. I'm so grateful!
We had Stake Conference this weekend. President asked us to attend the leadership and adult session on saturday. Little did we know that we would be singing in the choir that night. It was a blast! This stake had 24 missionaries covering their area as of January. And now there are 40 (10 sisters).
The Stake Conference on Sunday was broadcast from Salt Lake City and President Packer and Elder Perry spoke. It was a great experience.
We taught a less-active on Monday that is really struggling. The theme that we had in the lesson was, "Who is winning today?" If we are reading our scriptures, praying, and serving others, then we can say that Jesus Christ won for that day. On Sundays we can add attending church to the list. It was quite a wonderful lesson, completely directed by the Spirit. We went in planning on talking about the steps of repentance. I've never taught anything similar to "Who is winning today?" And just to find out, that Sister Eberhard (Senior missionary here in Danbury) talked to her about the same thing just a few hours earlier. The Spirit is the best teacher.
We've had two investigators tell us their testimonies of the scriptures. J*** saying, "It's more refreshing than my hour walk I do everyday!" and B***** saying "All the answers are here! I always find an answer." The two of them are so close to baptism. At this point, it is getting their lives in order. Please keep them in your prayers.

"Be All That You Can Be" 5.15.2013

Yeah. It was so good to see you on Sunday. I really loved it. I'm glad that Katie is doing well. She already has a baptism on the first. That's awesome! We don't have any baptismal dates yet, but I am really hoping something will come through. It's been quite a few months. But as we work diligently, we will be doing the Lord's work, whether there are baptisms or not.

We had a trying week, but it was such a testimony builder. 

On Thursday, we arranged to have tons of appointments... About 8. We were thrilled, but only three of those eight actually worked out. And they were the last three of the day. But we didn't give up. We tracted. We searched. We called. We just kept going. And we saw miracles. 

We then took D****** out with us to go visit her friend, but she didn't know where the lived. So we drove up and down a few different streets. She got out of the car, and being asking people on the street if they knew her friend. She kept searching and searching. And as she searched she felt that she should turn down the driveway of one house, which she did. She found her friend there! Both we and D****** experienced an increase of faith. As we search and stretch and struggle, the Lord really does open windows and helps us to become what He wants us to become. 

That's something else I realized this week. The Army says, "Be all that you can be." But in reality... we don't know what we can be. We do not realize our potential. But Jesus Christ knows. So we need to let Him mold us and helps us to become all that we can be. Without Him, we can become great men and women. With Him.... we can become so much more than that. 

On Friday we had zone conference. It was awesome! And on Saturday, we had a clothing exchange. A bunch of members brought things that they don't want anymore and just dropped them off at the church. Anyone could enter and take anything they want. I got 2 shirts and a purse FREE! It was great. 

We also had a mothers day party. Lots of food. We had a bunch of people from English class come and enjoy the party. It was great!

We are teaching this awesome Catholic women named C****. She is incredible. She has Christ in her heart and so much charity! I am really impressed by her example. Her best friend is a member of the church. We never would have been able to teach her without J*****'s help. 

I love being a missionary!


Hermana Kin