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Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

June 12, 2013

"Who is winning today?" 5.22.2013

We had a wonderful week! Sounds like it was a lot similar to Katie's week too. It was a struggle. Our appointments canceled one after the other. On Thursday, everything fell through and we looked up person after person, tracted, contacted, and nothing. As we made our way to eat that night, we ran into a member of the church. She was so excited to see sisters in Danbury. She bought our food, and just made us feel loved. It was so sweet. I know that she was there to help us remember that we are loved and that we are doing our best. I'm so grateful to her!
We went to Monticello last weekend and did a split with Sister Barlow and Sister Richardson. We saw miracles there too.... It's a different world out in Monticello... very very different.
We met a young single mother of two that had all sorts of trials laid on her. She was a gang leader and an athiest years ago, but completely change because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was an honor to be there. I'm sad it was just for one day. The impact that woman made on my mission, is unexplicable. I'm so grateful!
We had Stake Conference this weekend. President asked us to attend the leadership and adult session on saturday. Little did we know that we would be singing in the choir that night. It was a blast! This stake had 24 missionaries covering their area as of January. And now there are 40 (10 sisters).
The Stake Conference on Sunday was broadcast from Salt Lake City and President Packer and Elder Perry spoke. It was a great experience.
We taught a less-active on Monday that is really struggling. The theme that we had in the lesson was, "Who is winning today?" If we are reading our scriptures, praying, and serving others, then we can say that Jesus Christ won for that day. On Sundays we can add attending church to the list. It was quite a wonderful lesson, completely directed by the Spirit. We went in planning on talking about the steps of repentance. I've never taught anything similar to "Who is winning today?" And just to find out, that Sister Eberhard (Senior missionary here in Danbury) talked to her about the same thing just a few hours earlier. The Spirit is the best teacher.
We've had two investigators tell us their testimonies of the scriptures. J*** saying, "It's more refreshing than my hour walk I do everyday!" and B***** saying "All the answers are here! I always find an answer." The two of them are so close to baptism. At this point, it is getting their lives in order. Please keep them in your prayers.

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