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Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

May 8, 2013

Wonderful week! 5.8.2013

We went to the temple today. It has been an absolutely amazing day already. We left at 9am and got here at 11:30ish. It was raining on our way to the train stop. First time driving in the rain in a long time. And it was Connecticut rain. Thick and scary. But we arrived safely!

It has been a wonderful week so far. We are teaching so many Domincans, which makes me feel so happy. I'm really comfortable with them, which is weird because they speak horrible spanish and are the most passionate of all. I love them. 

We had a wonderful lesson on Priesthood this last week with J***. He really grabbed on to it. He is progressing wonderfully!

We found a new investigator last week named R*****. He also just grabbed onto our teachings really easily. He is studying and praying about the Restoration right now. We are excited to meet with him again. 

E*** is a less-active woman who came to church on Sunday! I almost cried! She was the first one in the church. And our meetings that Sunday were simply incredible, as people shared their testimony about clinging to Jesus Christ because He is "mighty to save". 

J***** also came! She is a 94 year old Brazilian woman. As faithful as you can get. She's just so fragile, she can't make it to church often. But she was there. The Spirit was so strong. 

We met with another less-active woman named Y****** on Monday night. She really wants to change her life. She is in the early stages of cancer, not sure what kind though. She has a lot of desire to repent and follow Jesus again. So excited to watch her progress. 

Sister Wankier cut my hair! :) It needed a trim super bad, but it kind of turned from a trim to a haircut.  It's at my shoulders again.  :) She did a good job! I can hardly believe she's never cut hair before. :) We have a great companionship obviously... lots of trust. 

We had the first Mission Leadership Council this last week. The first time with the new sister training leaders present . It was such a privliege! We learned so much! 

I'm so grateful for the chance that I have to serve in this unique mission of New York New York North. I'm grateful for the people I've met and the things that I have done. I'm grateful for the hard times. 

I've learned that ever hardship that we go through is an opportunity to become more like Jesus Christ, and it depends on our reaction. Will we forgive, as He did on the cross? Will we wait patiently, as He does with us? I hope we will all choose to act like Him more often. 

I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love being His missionary and helping people live and find their faith in Him. 


Hermana Kindlespire

May 7, 2013

"We are teaching...." 5.1.2013

There is so much work to do here in Danbury. We are keeping busy. We are teaching a man named J*** from the Domincan Republic (woohoo!). He is reading the Book of mormon everyday and came to church last week. We are meeting him on Saturday... his drinking day. bwahaha...

We are teaching B***** from Ecuador. She realizes that she needs to be baptized and is working on getting Sundays free so that she can come. So awesome. 

We are teaching S****, from the Domincan Republic, and P***** from Peru. They are great and we are excited to meet with them some more and get to know them. 

Lots of potential. 

This week was so great. We helped I****** (Ecuador) with her calling. She is the music director, but doesn't know how to lead. She said that this calling is the hardest she has had in her time in the church. We explained how to lead music, and she did a great job on Sunday. We are going to continue to help her with that. 
We had a training meeting last week with President. It was so inspiring! That man knows how to lead, and how to follow the Spirit. 
We met with a lot of new people this weekend, including P***** and S****. And a Less Active family from Nicaragua. It's been great! 
We had a lesson on Sunday with two almost-sister missionaries. One is leaving in a week, and the other is waiting for her mission call. It was awesome to explain to them what they could expect and what they should do to prepare. 
Then I went on a Split with Sister Dunn. She is serving in Poughkeepsie, and we had a great time together. We found three new investigators and learned a lot. 
When I got back to Danbury, we had appointment after appointment. We ate rice and beans and chicken, then went to a different appointment and ate rice and beans and chicken and salad and ice cream, then to another one and they had bought us a pizza, and gave us juice, and then to another one where we drank morir sonando. By the end of the night, I was almost in tears. My poor stomach. I hope that I can recover today. haha. These people are so giving. I love them!

We are all settled in in our new apartment. I'm even getting pretty good at driving. :) I love Danbury. I love the gospel and all the blessings that I have received from it. I love you too!


Hermana Kindlespire

Four rooms in a newly dedicated church. 4.24.2013

New apartment

Man! Our apartment is SO nice! It's brand new, has a dishwasher, and washer and dryer in the apartment. We have a nice exercise room in the complex that we use every morning. It's awesome. It's still a bit of a mess. I haven't unpacked yet. That's what we are doing today. As soon as we got here, we went straight to work. 

Sister Wankier and I had an interesting first day. On our way to the library, she twisted her ankle really really bad. We had her sit down, and within a few seconds she had passed out. Can you believe it? She was only out for a second or so. The elders rushed in to the library to get some water, and she fainted again. It was really scary. Thankfully, the security guard came around the corner at that very moment. An ambulance was called and everything. Sister Wankier has never fainted before in her whole life. She was just exhausted. We spent the rest of the day recovering. 

The chapel here in Danbury was dedicated in March. It's at the very first steps of growing. It has about four rooms right now. With the new chapel, the elders decided to start up an English class. There were 30 students that came! It was incredible. It's a great opportunity to offer service, and find people that have been prepared by the Lord. 

We've been meeting with a lot of members recently. Portuguese and Spanish. I have been studying Portuguese a little bit... "Todo bom" and plan to study it some more. It would be awesome to learn how to speak Portuguese, but for now, I'm just going to focus on understanding it. :)

On Sunday, we came to the chapel early and were so excited to watch the little chapel fill up with people. Unfortunately, it didn't fill as much as we had hoped. Our teeny little chapel wasn't near to being filled. I suddenly realized how much work there is to do here. TONS! That little chapel will be full! The Lord has been preparing people for their whole lives to here our message at this time. As we follow the Spirit, we will find them and we will help this branch grow. 

Love you tons!!