Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013


It's been a good week in the Bronx. Thanks so much for the year package. I've been out for a year, and your package brought me a lot of cheer!  You are too sweet. (literally, i ate all the candy, ya) Ya means already and spanish people say it a lot.

I'm so glad you mentioned school.  I can talk to President about applying for school in the fall and ask for advice. If you know the deadline for signing up at USU, that would be helpful too. 

I'm so excited for Zach! But what's with the West Coast?? Come on, family! It's all about the East....

It's been rainy here for the last two days, and really windy. I'm really really surprised by all the wind. And really grateful for pencil skirts. :)

We've been doing great. We've been a little bummed about not working with a lot of investigators. But on Sunday, when we were in sacrament meeting, we looked around and saw 3 less active families in church that we have been working with. My heart was so full! With children and parents, there were 12 members that weren't coming to church just a few months ago. :) I feel that we have made a difference... Well, we haven't done anything. We've prayed for a message that they need, and we open our mouths. The Spirit testifies, and then they choose what they want to do. I'm so grateful to see them choosing the right. Choosing to renew their covenants. 

What a great blessing!

We went on a split with the traveling sisters on Tuesday. Sister Richey came to Olmstead with Sister Valdez, and I went up to Yonkers with Sister Aguirre. It was lots of fun, and the opportunity to learn from them. Splits are great opportunities to improve your teaching skills!

We went to Time Square today, and are heading back to Olmstead soon. 

I love you so much! I know this gospel is true, and I'm so grateful for the chance to serve as a missionary. I love the Lord!


Hermana Kindlespire

Feb 20, 2013 Katie goes to the MTC

So excited for Katie. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her all day. She's in the MTC by now. Wow... it's sureal to think about. :) I've already got a letter written for her. I hope she gets it this weekend. 

We've had a great week. Really memorable. 

We met a few different men. The type of men you imagine someone to meet in the Bronx. Men that have been struggling their whole lives, who've never had a firm foundation to build on. Surrounding by drugs, pornography, and just bad influences their whole live. One of these men said to us in a text later, and I quote: "I got so many ?'s. Ya made me realize alot im doing wrong i wanna change dat."


The gospel of Jesus Christ can help him do that. I know that for sure. He will be meeting with the Elders in  a few days. It's amazing to see who the Lord has prepared. People who we never would have expected. 

We are still working really hard. Doing a lot of less active work. We don't have a lot of investigators right now, but we are praying for a miracle. As we work and wait for that miracle, we continue to help the less active families attend church. 

One family in particular attended Institute last night. We were thrilled. They are taking steps, and I hope they will soon be in sacrament so that they can start repenting and coming closer to the Savior. 

I love you all! Thanks for all your support!


Hermana Kindlespire

February 13, 2013

We've had a great week, as always. 

A member that was baptized in Republica Dominicana 20 years ago contacted us and asked us to come by. We were so excited! When she moved to the Bronx, she stopped going to church. But she wants to come back. She has three kids who are adorable. We are having a family home evening with them tomorrow. They came to church on Sunday and loved it. 

R*** is still progressing but wants to be baptized in May when his grandma comes to visit. But his mother is officially considered "active" now. We are so proud of her! She's an amazing example to her children. 

S**** is doing good. She hasn't read from the Book of Mormon yet, so we haven't been able to progress very much. But we read a few verses from 2 Nephi 29 with her in our last visit. Her husband continues to say "We read the Bible, and nothing else." so she has been scared to read the Book of Mormon a bit, and then talked about faith. I'm sure she will read.

The C**** are the children that were baptized in December. I didn't send pictures because I don't have any. :( Sister Peterson took the pictures from that baptism. But I will get them from her soon. 

It snowed!! People said it was a hurricane. But it looked like a regular snow to me. Maybe in different parts of New York. I haven't heard much. We took a few minutes to play in the snow a few days ago (pictures included).

Time to go. I love you so much!

I'm so excited for Katie! She's going to be such a great missionary. 


Hermana Kindlespire

 This families' first time at church. 
Me in the cold and in the snow. 
Eating pupusas at an investigators home with member Mirna. 

February 6, 2013

One year out! Loving the Bronx! Feb. 6, 2013

I feel like it's gone by so quickly. And I know it's only going to go by that much faster. :( I'm an "old" missionary now. I still feel like I'm learning everyday!

 Thank you for your prayers. We can feel them. We can see them. We have experienced so many miracles.
S*** wants to be baptized! She is praying about a date now. She recognizes the Spirit and wants to follow the Spirit. Her family, who we thought weren't prepared for our message, are planning on coming to church with her too. It's amazing to see what the Spirit can do as you listen to His promptings.
Last week, we watched the Restoration with the C****** family. The long one. They loved it. They learned so much. J***** prayed at the end of the lesson. It was such a sincere prayer. He didn't ask the Lord for anything. He just said how grateful he was for Joseph Smith and for the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ. I cried... but that's not new. I cry at everything!
I love that we've had so many opportunities to teach children. They are so faithful and so loving. IT's amazing to see them learning and understanding. I
An English class student, named A****l is taking the lessons too. He has so many questions and came to church on Sunday. He lost his wife last year, so has taken a lot of interest in the Plan of Salvation.
We are teaching a lot. And seeing the blessings from being obedient. Love New York. Love the Bronx. Love you all. 
Hermana Kindlespire

Sisters, Sisters.... January 30, 2013

The Sisters that came into the mission field today outnumbered the new Elders. That's so cool! Every single English sister is training this cycle. Every single one. 5 new areas in our mission are being opened.
Next cycle we are expecting 40 new missionaries. Yeah... 40. It's getting really exciting out here. :)
Sister Valdez and I are staying busy. There is always someone to call or text. We have had a member with us at all times possible these last few days.
I'm going to start playing piano in primary again. It's a great way to lend service to the ward. I'm not here only to teach, but to strengthen the ward. Something I realized this last week.
We are still teaching S***, R***, the C***** kids, and S********.
We found a new investigator on Sunday named T***. She has definitely been prepared by the Lord and I can see her as a member of the church, if that's what she decides is best. Her husband was murdered here in the Bronx a long time ago. She loved him so much. When we told her that she could be with him forever, as a couple, she was thrilled. I'm so excited to teach her more about the Restoration.
We also started teaching a 94 year old woman named J*****. Her son is a member and wants her to be baptized, so we started teaching her. I'm excited to continue with that.
We've had a lot of support from the members. We are working with J****** a 16 year old who wants to invite his friend to church. We are expecting to meet F****** this week. So excited. Also B****** (from Inwood) has a family member that he took to church on Sunday that we are going to start teaching. These members are wonderful!
I love you all! Thank you for your support!
Have a wonderful week.
Con amor,
Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire