Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

August 22, 2012

"I'm not religious, I'm Catholic!", August 22, 2012

Inwood is still going good. Sister Taylor loves it here. I think I might not realize what a blessing this area, since it's my first one. Spanish is the first language, and it's not like that in other areas. Even in Manhattan. We are getting along really well. She reminds me a lot of Jenessa every once and

She contacts everyone. It's great. I have never talked to so many people and never used my spanish so much. I still feel like I'm very inadequate in speech, but I try not to think about it too much. It'll come.
Last Wednesday night, we met M**** and M***** and J**** too. All three are new investigators now and we are excited to teach them more about the gospel. M*** is still progressing. She loves Joseph Smith and finds his story to be fascinating. N*** (A***'s mom) loves talking about our church. She likes what she's heard so far. I pray for her so much. I know that someday she will be baptized, and I hope that I will get to see it. 
Sister Sanders and I finished our food tally. This is how many times we were given a certain item of food when we went to a members house. The end result for the months of July and half of August.... 8 beans, 10 platano, 15 chicken, 22 rice, and 28 jugo. "La bandera" I explain what that is in the letter I just sent home. 
We've been very busy this last week. Introducing Sister Taylor to members and investigators and finding new friends and what not. It's been great, but there isn't really much to report on.
Alex received the gift of the Holy Ghost this Sunday. It was great. He is a good kid... He's a teenager, but nonetheless. He is a good kid. 
Today for Pday, we just went shopping and wrote letters. I'm planning on taking a nap once I'm done emailing. Just the norm...
Ok... One funny quote. We knocked on someone's door, and as soon as we introduced ourselves as missionaries, he said "Oh, I'm not religious.... I'm Catholic." 

And with that... I'm out. 

Les amo.

La Hermana Kindlespire

August 16, 2012

Big Changes in Inwood, August 15, 2012

We had a ward picnic on Saturday. And what did we eat? That's right! Rice and Chicken. And I had a little bit of a Dominican Avocado. See the picture... The Avocado is huge! It was really good too, not as flavorful as usual, but still delicious. That's the Dominican Way... Bigger. Dominican's celebrate more, cry more, love more, eat more. Everything is more. It's so great.
It sounds like Lake Powell was a lot of fun this year. It's hard to miss Lake Powell. But we had so much to keep us busy, I barely had time to think about all of you out there. :) But next year, please make Lake Powell as late as possible. I hope I can join you.

That is so cool that Zach got to baptize someone! Already a missionary! I'm really proud of him. It's hard to stand up for your beliefs, and I can only imagine that it's harder at basic training. I look up to
him. That's really cool!

The baptism went great. Alex was on time, there were lots of people there to support him. The missionaries sang, "Oracion de un nino" AKA: A Child's Prayer, and it went really well. He hasn't received the Holy Ghost yet, but he will receive it on Sunday.
We played our musical number on Sunday in Sacrament Meeting, I was extremely nervous, but it went wonderfully! My nerves were really bad... I was shaking so much, but the only way for me to overcome those nerves is to perform. Maybe by the end of my mission, I will be able to play without any shaking. That would be wonderful. :)
I agree that time has just been flying by. It doesn't feel like it's been 6 months to me. I mean, it feels like I haven't seen you for a long time, but I wouldn't guess that it's been 6 months.
So... Monday was shot calls. We found out all the changes that happen on the Monday before transfers. Elder Hill and Elder Dilliing are out of Inwood. Elder Hill was replaced by Elder Scaife. And Elder Dilling was replaced by...... Elder Bartlett! He was here when I first came to Inwood! And as we all know, Sister Sanders is out. Heading back to the Grand AZ. My new companion is.... Well, should I tell? No.... I shouldn't. I should keep it a secret.
No, I'll tell you.
But maybe I'll tell you next week.
Or the week after.
Or I could just tell you now...
OK. I'll tell you. :)
Sister Taylor is my new companion. She's from Georgia. She was just serving in Harlem with Sister Rogers. I think we will have a great time together. She seems like a hard worker and go-getter, and all that stuff. 
Well, I love you so much. I'm so grateful for this gospel, and I know that when we put God first, everything falls into place. I'm just starting to realize that. I never realized that putitng God first is really a process. It takes time to make Him your priority. 
Love you with all my heart, 
La Hermana Kindlespire 

6 Month Mark! August 8, 2012


Sister Sanders birthday was a lot of fun. We made french toast in the morning, which is her favorite. The Yankees won 12-3. It rained during the game, but we lucked out with covered seats. It was really awesome. And some ward members threw a surprise party for her that night. It was a lot of fun. The APS came by our building at 10:00pm and dropped off her birthday package. She was so surprised. She loved the water guns. She thinks all four of them are for her. Haha! Thanks for making her birthday special!

There was a baptism on August 4th for Elsa. She is amazing! She is 22 and from the Dominican Republic. Sister Sanders and a member, Oscar, sang "Nearer my God to Thee", and I accompanied them. It was fun. And it went really well. I just followed the hymn book and added extra notes. I never would have been able to do that before.I've really had the opportunity to strengthen my piano skills. (Wow... it took me a long time to form that sentence in English. That's so cool!)

We've had a lot of activities and lessons the last week, and most of them have been talking about Sister Sanders leaving. It's been rough for both of us. It's hard to keep focused when home is so close, and often the topic of conversation. But we keep going! We are looking forward to our baptism this weekend. It's going to be wonderful! 

Our musical number for the baptism is "A Child's Prayer" sung by all the missionaries. It will be really cool! And then on Sunday, Sister Sanders and I are doing a final flute/piano number. We combined Love at Home and Love One Another. It's a Sanders/Kin original. :) We love it! 

Today, Sister Sanders and I are going on a split. She is heading to the temple to do a session with all the departing missionaries and the mission president. And I'm going to be with Sister Lavaki and Maldarizzi. I'm not sure what we will do. Maybe Natural History Museum? Sister Maldarizzi hasn't been there yet. 

Today... is my 6 month mark. Crazy, right? I celebrated by getting a new toothbrush. New toothbrush every six months... Just like the dentist says. I'll probably by something sugary throughout the day to celebrate some more. 

Well, I love you! Thanks for your support and love. You are the greatest mommy in the world. 


La Hermana Kindlespire

August 1, 2012

 Last week for Pday, the museum we wanted to go to was closed, so we just played games in the church and played the piano and what not. It was a lot of fun. Sister Sanders went and saw the Phantom of the Opera, which she was singing for a few days after. She really loved it. 
We haven't gotten any mail from the office yet, so we are still waiting for her birthday package. Hopefully we will get it today. So, I've been hinting that she is going to be getting a package, but she's not expecting one from anybody. It's been really fun. She's going to be thrilled. Since she is going home so soon, she's hardly received any mail at all. Two of her family members told her that they sent her gifts to her home in Arizona. She always says, "I'm still here!!!" So, I know that your package is really going to make a difference for her. 

We are going to a Yankees game again today for Pday. This is a really important game for the season. The two top teams. It'll be really good. I'm sneaking in a peanut butter and honey sandwich, because I'm not going to buy nachos again. Too expensive!

Our baptism is for Alex. Did I tell you how we found him? Really, he found us and he is a miracle investigator. It's wonderful to me, because of my fast for July. I sincerely fasted that Sister Sanders and I could bring one more person into the waters of baptism before she left. And I knew that it would happen. I'm learning so much that the Lord gives us all of our righteous desires. So when we found him, I knew that we would have another baptism before too long. 

My Spanish is improving. I understand a lot, to the point where I'm usually just missing words here and there. Speaking is still very difficult, but it'll come. I'm confident in that. I'm learning a lot about following God's will, and about how much power one person has. And how often, the only thing that is limiting us, is us. I'm learning to step out of the way and align my will with God's. It's hard, but those are the days that I am the happiest. 

Some other fun things that happened this week: 
Sister Sanders reached her 18 month mark on July 26th. We had a mini dance party in our apartment, and I gave her some purple earrings. 
Our ward had a fiesta on Saturday... Wow. It was legit. Dominicans know how to throw a party. 
We had a great Sunday...Alex came to church and so did Martha! Who I've never talked about because, she never seemed really interested in the church. It was great to see her there. We are going to try to start teaching her again. OH, and for dinner we had bacon wrapped chicken ( a long with lots of vegetables) !!
Sister Sanders and I are going to do one more musical number together, her last Sunday. We are doing Love at home and Love one another. Still working on the transitions, but I think it will work nicely. 
I found out that I'm playing a musical number for a baptism this weekend. Surprise! Oscar is going to be singing Divina Luz AKA: Lead Kindly Light, and I'm accompanying him. It'll be interesting. 

OK... Well, I've got to go. It's time to head to the game. I love you so much. Thanks for you support and I hope to hear from you soon! 

Con Amor, 

La Hermana Kindlespire