Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

August 16, 2012

6 Month Mark! August 8, 2012


Sister Sanders birthday was a lot of fun. We made french toast in the morning, which is her favorite. The Yankees won 12-3. It rained during the game, but we lucked out with covered seats. It was really awesome. And some ward members threw a surprise party for her that night. It was a lot of fun. The APS came by our building at 10:00pm and dropped off her birthday package. She was so surprised. She loved the water guns. She thinks all four of them are for her. Haha! Thanks for making her birthday special!

There was a baptism on August 4th for Elsa. She is amazing! She is 22 and from the Dominican Republic. Sister Sanders and a member, Oscar, sang "Nearer my God to Thee", and I accompanied them. It was fun. And it went really well. I just followed the hymn book and added extra notes. I never would have been able to do that before.I've really had the opportunity to strengthen my piano skills. (Wow... it took me a long time to form that sentence in English. That's so cool!)

We've had a lot of activities and lessons the last week, and most of them have been talking about Sister Sanders leaving. It's been rough for both of us. It's hard to keep focused when home is so close, and often the topic of conversation. But we keep going! We are looking forward to our baptism this weekend. It's going to be wonderful! 

Our musical number for the baptism is "A Child's Prayer" sung by all the missionaries. It will be really cool! And then on Sunday, Sister Sanders and I are doing a final flute/piano number. We combined Love at Home and Love One Another. It's a Sanders/Kin original. :) We love it! 

Today, Sister Sanders and I are going on a split. She is heading to the temple to do a session with all the departing missionaries and the mission president. And I'm going to be with Sister Lavaki and Maldarizzi. I'm not sure what we will do. Maybe Natural History Museum? Sister Maldarizzi hasn't been there yet. 

Today... is my 6 month mark. Crazy, right? I celebrated by getting a new toothbrush. New toothbrush every six months... Just like the dentist says. I'll probably by something sugary throughout the day to celebrate some more. 

Well, I love you! Thanks for your support and love. You are the greatest mommy in the world. 


La Hermana Kindlespire

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