Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

January 23, 2013

Cold but Warm, January 23, 2013

How are you? We are cold, but tough. I'm wearing two pairs of fleece lined tights today. Yes... both pairs are fleece-lined. It's great. :) My big puffy coat keeps me warm. Sister Valdez says I look funny, but hey! I'm warm. So I'm totally fine with it. :)

My shoes are holding up well. No problems. I may need one more pair before the end of the winter, but I will let you know if that's the case. My summer shoes are in good shape too. No problems. 

Mission shopping? That's awesome. Does Katie have cardigans? You can look cute in anything, if you have a cardigan too. Does she have a few pattern skirts and shirts? Patterns are great. I got bored really fast of solid colors. 
So this cycle ends on January 30th. Next week. And then starts the five week cycles. Still don't really know how many of those we will have. But yeah... Transfers next week. 10 new sisters are coming in. 

I don't think I'll be transferred. Usually trainers are with their new missionaries for two cycles. I want to stay here. I'm not ready to leave the ward yet. 

We had an amazing experience yesterday. We finished all our studies and Sister Valdez was praying, and I just felt so much peace. I knew that the Lord was going to be guiding every step. A lot of times, He leaves it up to you. He lets you choose the building and the words you say, but sometimes you feel inspiration for absolutely every step. That was the case yesterday. 

We went to go check and S....., and when she wasn't home we went to check on an investigator that we had texted the day before. They live in the same building. 
We went to R...'s apartment and she was in tears. She talked about how she has been so depressed and has been homesick for Ecuador. How she prays all the time, but feels that she is alone. We talked to her about how Satan is trying to discourage her, we talked about how we can find peace and where we can turn. We talked about the Savior's  sacrifice and how He is the only one that knows how we feel. We sang "Where Can I Turn for Peace?" (Donde hallo la solaz?) And "I Need Thee Every Hour" (Te Necesito). We talked and prayed and stayed until her peace had returned to her. 
We met R..... on the bus. It was Sister Valdez's first week in the mission field. When I saw her, I felt the Spirit so strong saying that I needed to talk to her. It's amazing to see, how on Christmas Eve, God knew that R.... would need us on January 22. We are excited to keep teaching her and keep encouraging her. She is truly looking for the peace that only the gospel of Jesus Christ can bring. 

Love you all so much! I know the Church is true and that Jesus Christ is at the head of the church, guiding His prophet and His missionaries. 


Hermana Kindlespire

January 20, 2013

83 New Missionaries on their way to NYNYN! January 16, 2013

I'm not sure what a bronx beast is. I know bronx cart and bronx bug,but not bronx beast.
Thanks for your email and your package and letter. I ate all the skittles. They were awesome! Thanks:)
We had a good week. We had two conferences with President. A Sisters Conference and a Leadership Conference. Both amazing. We learned a lot. That man sure knows how to motivate. And he receives so much revelation for this mission. There are a lot of changes that are happening.
We are going to be receiving 83 new missionaries in the next three cycles. 83! That is soooo many! We all have to be leaders, was the theme of our last conference. Whether we are training or not. We are leading to do good or to do bad. Interesting thought,right?
Sister Valdez and I are keeping busy. Remember the little boy that we found? R***? We haven't taught him for a month, because they weren't making any progress, but we've stayed in contact and dropped off cookies and what not. They came to church on Sunday! Completely by themselves. It was very unexpected, but we were thrilled. The Lord answered our prayers. We are going to teach them about the baptismal covenant and what it means and set a date tomorrow night. We are excited. We are still visiting the C***** every week. I love that family. They are adorable. J**** will be receiving the priesthood this week. Pretty awesome.
We are having a hard time finding new investigators,but that is our focus tonight. We are going to be tracting and tracting. We are working with a few members and referrals they have given us. But we just don't have any investigators that are progressing. They will come. It just takes a bit of time.

So, we were talking to a friend of ours. His is a potential investigator. He calls us every once and a while, and we try to set up an appointment, but he is a little scared. So we just talk to him about God and what not. While he was talking to us, it was so funny. He was telling us that he likes to wear white. We thought that was funny, because you get baptized in white. And then he continued, I like to wear white suits. Even better, we thought. We just said "that's awesome" and kept talking about other things, but Sister Valdez and I were both thinking "baptismal suit!" and holding in laughter... I guess you had to be there, and probably had to be a missionary. Probably not funny regularly, right? :)
I love my companion! She is an angel. She's overcoming all her fears and talking to these people in a different language. I know she will have a lot of success!
 Well, I love you! I love this gospel and I am thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and Mediator. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Lord used him to restore his church on the earth and that the Book of Mormon and the Bible son la palabra de Dios.
Los Amo Para Siempre.
Hna Kindlespire

January 9, 2013

Those pictures are great! David looks way different.

We haven't been able to meet with S again, but we have an appointment on Friday. We've talked to her a few times and she is doing pretty good. :)

We are teaching this couple from the Domincan Republic. They are so funny. They are heading back to the DR in about a month, but we continue to teach them every few days. They are awesome. Their granddaughter asks us to watch her play Just Dance 4. It's hilarious. We have a lot of fun.

We are working with a lot of less active members as well. I've really fallen in love with less active work here in Olmstead. There is so much to do!

Sister Valdez is doing great. She is working hard. She is really positive and excited to get a lot of work done. We are going to make a difference for sure. Um... my mission card got compromised so I'm waiting for a new one. That's pretty crazy, right? But I'm in good shape. No worries.

Well, time to go!

Love you so much.

La Hermana Kindlespire

Haappy New Year! January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Sounds like everything at home is going great. That's awesome!

 Last week was a bit of a rough week. I thought that Christmas break would be awesome. People would be more accepting to hear a message about Jesus Christ and that we would be finding new investigators left and right. I was so excited! But unfortunately, people are too busy during Christmas time to make time for Christ. Ironic, right? That's pretty bold, but that's what we found this last week as missionaries.

We did find one new investigator that we are really excited for. Her name is S. She's been in New York for two months, she has a one month old son (adorable little thing) and a husband. We haven't met him yet. We met S just outside her apartment complex. We said hi and just asked her about her baby and left it at that. So later we went back and knocked her building, not even remembering this interaction that we had had, and when we knocked on her door, she gladly accepted. We taught her the restoration, and she loved it. She was definitely a blessing for us. And we hope that we can be a blessing to her through our message and our example.

Sister Valdez and I are having great experiences everyday. Something that we've been focusing on is just talking to people. Preach My Gospel talks about "Talking to Everybody". That's pretty intimidating when there are 5 million people in your mission. Haha. But the Lord trusted us to come to a mission where we are surrounded by thousands of people everyday. He has trusted us to talk with the millions of people. So we've got to do it. :)

I love my mission!

I love you all! Thanks for all your support.

Sorry I'm so bad at writing letters. :)


Hermana Kindlespire

T'was the day after Christmas... 12/26/2012

It was so good to see you yesterday :)

Yeah, 2012 is almost over and it's been such a great year. I love my mission! And again, when I made the decision to be as obedient as possible, that's when I learned to love my mission.

Our pday today was awesome. We got to take naps!We bought some more boots, and just in time. It's snowing!!

I'm keeping this week's email pretty short... Just a little hello, love you, be obedient... message.

This church is true, I know it because I'm reading the Book of Mormon, and living what it says. I love you so much! Cuidase mucho!

Hermana Kindlespire