Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

May 24, 2012

The Plan of Salvation -- May 23, 2012

R*** is doing good. We are still meeting with him, but we like to find a classroom in the church now so that we don't get as many interruptions. He asks a lot of questions about things that aren't really important like, "Is the Spirit World here?" "What does your church say about soldiers who have killed other members during war?" That was a hard question to answer. It's been difficult to keep him focused on the the lessons, and the more important answers like... God's character, having faith, feeling the Spirit. The work is good. We found a family last weekend! And we are so excited to start teaching them. They are ready for the gospel, and it's message.

I met a missionary in the MTC who was going to start up the Spanish Program in Kennewick! I can't remember his name, but he was in my zone. So... the Spanish-Speaking Elder in Kennewick knows me. That's really cool! He will love that mission.

Thanks for the package! I'm excited!! Uplifting music is good. Some Broadway plays are okay, some are not. Uplifiting music that invites the Spirit and helps you to stay focused. I wouldn't want to listen to Jekyll and Hyde or Phantom of the Opera, but Beauty and the Beast or Les Miserables, etc. Stuff like that is good. Like I said, we listen to Lion King all the time. You're the greatest! Thank you so much!! I love you!

I've survived my first transfer in the mission! Sister Sanders and I are staying in Inwood. Elder Head and Elder Bartlett have been transferred upstate. Elder Colton (greenie) is now with Elder Dilling, and Elder Irizarry is now with Elder Hill!

Last Thursday we found a new investigator! Her name is R***. When she first answered the door, she was very closed off. "I'm Catholic, and I won't be baptized into your church." and by the end of our visit she was saying, "The Catholic church doesn't make me happy. I don't agree with everything that it teaches." It was amazing to see how she changed her attitude so quickly! She felt the Spirit while we were there. That's the only answer. It was a really good visit.
We had a dinner appointment with Zeny Forever. She is an amazing member, and she made the most beautiful meal, and delicious too. *

Saturday was incredible! There was a baptism in the morning, and I played the piano for that. That was a lot of fun. And then we went to the Temple for a mission conference with Elder Ronald A Rasband! All 130+ missionaries came and we learned so much. Elder Rasband asked President Smith to choose a new missionary and an old missionary to bear their testimony about their missionary experiences so far. President Smith chose me! It was a little intimidating bearing my testimony to 130 missionaries and a General Authority, but it was fun too. I talked about opening my call and about the people that we are teaching. It was a great meeting. Elder Rasband served here as a young missionary and then as a mission president in 97. He said that he goes throughout the whole world and every mission president tells him that he is in the best mission, and he just nods and smiles, but he himself said that this is the best mission. :)

Sunday we had three investigators at church and two less-actives! It was a wonderful Sunday! We also got the flute that we have been waiting for. We've been filling our time with music practice. We hope to play in sacrament meeting within the next few weeks.

Last night... We were at a dinner with a member as a final get-together before transfers when we found out that Zeny and Angela's Dad had passed away. They are both members in our ward, and we have gotten to know them very well. After dinner, four of us went to the hospital and stayed with them and their family. They are the only members in their family. They took their Dad off life support while we were there and asked Elder Hill to pray. It was a heartbreaking situation to be in. Sister Sanders and I have been teaching the Plan of Salvation to most of our investigators and members for the last two weeks. And it just clicked.... We know God's Plan. Yet in that small room, we were the minority. I just wanted to tell everyone what we have... what they can know... It was quite emotional to be a part of that, but I'm so glad that I was able to be there not as friend to Zeny and Angela, but as a representative of Jesus Christ. Solely to comfort and help... He passed away today in the early afternoon. I know that he has the chance to accept the gospel in the Spirit World, I know that he will be resurrected and that he will have the opportunity to live with God and his family.
I'm grateful for that knowledge! I love this gospel, and I love the Plan of Salvation. We can trust in God's Plan for us and know that we will be with our families, if we do our part. Jesus Christ did his part, and now it's our turn to have faith in Him.

I love you!

Hermana Kindlespire

-The Manhattan Temple!
-Zeny's food!
-My transfer calendar (I'm going to take a picture each cycle and watch it fill up)
-My first mission field district. (Kin, Bartlett, Dilling, Hill, Head, Sanders)
- My MTC Elders at our first transfer. (Ivey, Heywood, Barnard, Kin)

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