Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

June 13, 2012


We had a great week. It went by so fast!

We found 3 new investigators last week.... A little family. We are excited to continue to teach them. They've had a lot of experience with missionaries, but they've always made a connection with the missionaries, and never with the gospel. So that's my focus this next week.
Hna Sanders and I started a Quote Board... It is hilarious! I'm going to send an email sometime with just quotes. We have crazy experiences everyday.
We helped out some English Sisters with a booth that they set up. I went tracting down on 49th Street, on the East Side... It's a different world over there. It was Sister Lee, Sister Lavaki, and I. While we were tracting, we ran into someone that only speaks Spanish. Sister Lee and Lavaki are English sisters. I took over and contacted her in Spanish, by myself! And it went really well! It was my first time all on my own. It was good to know that I can do this!
That night, I taught an indexing class... most of it in Spanish. It was difficult, but it was a lot of fun! I could index for hours!
We played our musical number on Sunday. We hoped to have all of our investigators come, but only 2 were able to make it. But, that's 2. The number went great. My first time playing the piano in sacrament meeting! We ate dinner with The Wheelwrights again. Homemade scones that would make you drool! They were delicious!
We've been teaching a lot... and invited M**** to pray about baptism. This is a big deal! She has been nervous about baptism since we started teaching her. But she took the invitation about I'm sure she has been praying. This woman is incredible. She is the mother of C***. She reads the Book of Mormon everyday, and loves attending church.

I had a good experience with language study this week! So, I'll read el libro de mormon and when I don't recognize a word, I'll look it up in the book of mormon and write it in my spanish copy. I was reading 2 Nephi 26:22, and had to look up the word for flax, thinking... "Why would I ever need to know this word?". That night, M**** went shopping and was unpacking her groceries and she had bought "lino".... "flax". What is the chance? It was really awesome to know that I learned that word in the Book of Mormon!
The Book of Mormon teaches us things about God and teaches us things about... flax. Temporal things. You will never run out of things to learn in the Book of Mormon. That Book is not just another book. It's answers.

I love you so much! Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! I'm excited to celebrate here in New York. Thanks for the package! It should get it the day before :)

I love you!


Hna Kindlespire

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