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Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

March 12, 2012

Spanish Grammar? Check ! -- MTC -- 3/12/12

So, this week was pretty nice. Hermana Slater left on Tuesday morning for Mesa. It's crazy to me that she is preaching the gospel right now! She was so prepared though. She'll do a great job. We stayed up late on Monday night to help her pack, and by late I mean 11:30. But wow! We could feel that hour in the morning. I love sleeping. So daylight saving was a little rough too, pero esta bien. No se precupe.

Speaking on Spanish, I talked to our teacher, Hermana Guinn last monday. She pulled me aside to tell me that my Spanish is better than I realize. I'm not discouraged with my Spanish or anything. I know that it is a new language and it will take time to understand, but it was still nice to hear that I am doing better than I realize. And the proof followed the next day at the TRC where we talk with members who volunteer. I was able to share stories and scriptures in Spanish and feel completely comfortable. It was such a relief to see that progress! I completely owe it to the Spirit, because it happened only when I wasn't worried about the language, and I truly wanted to help these members more. The Spirit took over and helped me know what to say and how to say it. I'm sure I still made a lot of mistakes, but at least they could understand my message! It was great! In another lesson we taught to our "investigator", she was telling a story. I was able to catch words here and there, but not enough to really understand her situation. But I didn't get frustrated! I didn't even have the temptation to become frustrated! The Lord really is answering my prayers as I ask Him to bless me to have a positive attitude. After the lesson, Hna Noble and Rogers were saying "When Lesli said...." and "She talked about..." And I was thinking "I missed that whole conversation! I just laughed and wrote down the words that would have helped me understand more.

The two sisters from our zone are moving into our room today. I have been complaining to the Branch Presidency about them being on a different floor that we don't even have access to. I think that if they need help or need to talk, they should be able to come talk to me. It is part of my calling to be available to them. So they took care of it. I'm excited to have them in our room. I hope they are excited too.

I have printed off a lot of pictures from the last few weeks. So be excited! You'll be getting some new pictures soon!

This week we "street contacted" for the first time. We stopped teachers, and volunteers, and visitors at the front of the MTC and taught them a brief message. My companions and I taught at least four in Spanish and a few more in English. It was so fun! Two of our elders even stopped to ask President Brown (MTC President), but he shook their hands and kept going, saying he was too busy. It was pretty exciting.

Probably the most memorable part of the week was when Hermano B said, "And now you know every grammar principle of Spanish." I think we all stopped breathing for a second. The next four weeks are just practice practice practice. He said that now our only excuse for not speaking Spanish is that we don't want to. *Sigh* We all want to, which means that we all will be working towards it.

I wrote my conversion story down. It took me a few personal study hours to get it right, but I think it is there now. I'm working on the Spanish translation and then I am planning on sending it to you. Feel free to post it on facebook or my blog. Share it with anyone that wants to hear it. If anyone wants a personal copy, feel free to copy it for them. It's my story about the gospel. It's simple, but it's true. And I love the message it contains.

I played the hymns in sacrament meeting, and I was so nervous. I have never played a sacrament hymn before, and everyone was singing in a different language. But when I sat down at the piano for the sacrament hymn, the Spirit poured through the keys. I have never played the piano so purely. It was the most uplifting time of my week. The Spirit was so strong and I was so grateful to worship the Savior through music.
I love you with all my heart. This gospel is true!
Hermana Kindlespire

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