Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

February 20, 2012

MTC - Hermana Kindlespire - 2/20/12

Thanks so much for your letters and your packages. It feels like Christmas when we get packages here. The jackets are nice, and I like them a lot. A long sleeve one would be wonderful, since it has been a little cold. The pathways here are covered, so I haven't had to walk in any snow. I think I will be fine without winterboots, but I will let you know if it gets bad. The febreeze is a nice addition. It's nice to walk into our apartment and have it smell good. Thank you so much! The watch is SO helpful. We are on such a tight schedule, I can't believe I tried to last without one. And I can read it!! A miracle! I haven't really had a hard time reading the clock at all. Weird, right? A backpack would be nice, if you have time. But I would actually prefer a large purse or one of those BYU totes. They have two backpacks at the bookstore here, and they are $18.00. I'm sure you can find something cheaper. The Spanish scriptures they gave us when we entered are great. I can get them embossed for free here. Again, no pictures this week. But I just ordered some so you get a few in the mail soon. Will you put them in a nice photo album for me? That way when I come home they wil be all organized already? Ok, this is what I've been up to this week:

It's been a busy week here at the MTC, but so uplifting. The first four days that I was here where really hard! They dragged on and on, and I was worried about how I would survive. We heard lots of people say, "Just make it to Sunday and you will be fine" We did! And it was true! Once Sunday hit, the rest of the week flew by! I don't even remember half of it. Monday is Pday, so that is nice and relaxing. Tuesdays are great, because we have a devotional at night. This last week it was about losing yourself and relying on God. I really needed that message and took it to heart. I'm trying to be more charitable, and I've noticed that it really helps me to recognize my blessings and stay happy!
I've been playing volleyball a lot during gym time. It's really fun to play, because we aren't allowed to keep score so it's okay that I'm really bad! My district has really gotten into it and we all play at almost every gym time.
We've taught about 5 lessons in Spanish at this point. It's been a challenge for sure! We have to work on increasing our vocabulary a lot. Once we have the vocabulary we can make up grammar rules and what not. We get a new investigator tonight! We are going to teach her about the Book of Mormon and then go through the first lesson. I'm really excited! Spanish is a little frustrating, but considering that I've been speaking it for a total of 12 days, I say that I'm doing pretty good.
The food here is pretty good, especially after adding a little salt. Yet, the desserts are always really good. It's just not fair! I'm actually doing really good with my dessert rule. I don't let myself have it too often. But every Sunday there is a Sundae Bar! I love that ice cream!
Well, I am running out of time. Life is good! My companion is good! I am having a wonderful time on my wonderful adventure as a missionary. I love the Lord and I am so grateful to be here!
Hermana Kindlespire

PS. I forgot to include choir. My companion loves to sing too, so we go to choir every Sunday and Tuesday. Actually 5/8 ths of the people in my district love to sing. Our hymns are really good, even if we don't know what we are saying since we sing in Spanish. We actually sang the musical number this Sunday in our sacrament meeting. And guess who showed up? President Brown...the President of the MTC (or CCM in Spanish).

I think I'll try out for a musical number soon. Hopefully this week if we ever find time to practice.
Spanish is messing with my English a little bit, so please don't judge my run-on sentences or misspellings.
I love the missionary wall idea, and I can't wait till Katie is up there.

Amor desde su hija, Hermana Kindlespire

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