Send letters and packages to:

Hermana Lindsay Kindlespire
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road, Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

February 13, 2012

Hermana Kindlespire - 2/13/2012

Hola mi familia y amigos!
The MTC is pretty great! It´s a lot harder than I was expecting it to be, but we are getting used to the change. There are 4 sisters and 4 elders in my district. Elder Barnard, Elder Heywood, Elder Ivey, Hermana Rogers, and I are all headed to the New York New York North Mission - Spanish Speaking. 2 sisters are heading to the Mesa Arizona Visitor Center and 1 elder is headed to the Oklahoma City Mission. Spanish is difficult so far, but I'm so stubborn that I can't stop studying it. :) After a few months, I'll be more confident in the language for sure.
My companion is Sister Rogers. She is from Texas, and she is so sweet and funny! We have a lot of good laughs. It's been fun. I'm rooming with the other two sisters in my district. Sisters Noble and Slater. Sister Noble was in my mission prep class with me in Logan! How crazy is that!!?
So, I'm trying to include lots of details. I'm sorry if it's not up to par. :) Once we got here, they immediately started working us! The most memorable activity was a investigator meeting, where we followed some missionaries around as they visited "investigators", then a group of about 30 missionaries worked together to try and answer their questions. We failed miserably time and again, offending lots of people. But we had some success too! I got to share my mission scripture (1 Nephi 11:17) with an investigator who was losing faith in God. It was a lot of fun!
We received our own personal investigator and taught her a lesson (in spanish) on Friday morning. It was crazy!! I was mad at Spanish for a few hours, because we weren't getting along. Good thing Hermana Rogers knows everything there is to know about Spanish. She definitely saved the day. We taught that investigator again on Saturday and will teach her later today.
I've decided that my mission goals are:
1. To include Christ in my testimony at every lesson that I give. This is His church and we need to testify of Him, even if we are talking about tithing.
2. To be an example of Christ, by giving up the natural man and not thinking of myself. I want to be able to reduce the times that I say "I" throughout my day.
Sundays in the MTC are the best!! We watch music and the spoken word (so good this week - I cried), and have a bunch of meetings, but there is music all day long! I've really missed my music. But when I get to sing a hymn or listen to a musical number, I know that I've made a good decision to be here and to serve the Lord.
I've been called to be the Coordinating Sister in my zone. I just keep an eye on all the sisters and make sure that everything is fine and everyone is happy. I get to speak to the new missionaries coming in too. It's a fun calling and it keeps me pretty busy.
I love this gospel so much! It is simply a joy. There is no way that leaving my family, my friends, and my boyfriend for 18 months would be okay with me if I didn't have the Spirit testifying that I have made a good decision. I am bringing truth to the world, and it starts here at the MTC. This church is true. Jesus Christ is at the head of this church, and that is why we bear His name.
I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. O Soy una misionera de la iglesia de Jesuschristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias.
Love you all,
Hermana Kindlespire.

P.S. Los siento!

I forgot to thank you for your package! Sooooo much chocolate :) We aren't in the rooms for very long, so I think all those goodies will last me a few weeks! This is so much fun! I'm so glad I'm here. I've been a little homesick and Ricksick, but it's easier when I recognize my blessings. I'm writing them down as often as I can.

Um... what other details do you need? Food? Lots.... Weight? none gained yet.... Weather? cold!! P-day? Mondays.... Temple? beautiful.... Companion? funny and awesome. She looks just like Sister Major (weird). Pictures? Can't attach them, can only print them. You'll get some in the mail soon.

I love you,

Hermana Kindlespire

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Kindlespire!!!! estoy muy feliz por usted...I can't wait until you're fluent in Spanish. I know Spanish can be tough but with the Lord's spirit you can do anything. Si se puede! La extranare mucho! Mucho exito en todo. La quiero mucho!
